
Friday 22 Apr. 2016


Bellevue Lunchtheater / Ulrike Quade Company / De Tekstsmederij - NL

Dutch spoken | Premiere

12:30 - 13:30

Theater Bellevue (Paloni Zaal)

It’s easier to think about the end of the world than the end of capitalism.
Eduard Limonov is a controversial Russian politician, poet and writer. A fighter for a better world who lives life without compromise and who always chooses the opposition. His attitude towards life tells much about the complexity of (contemporary) Russian society and the need of the West to get a grip on this. At the same time, it calls into question our Western capitalistic attitude, our self image compared to the East and the question which of the two is actually at the forefront. Inspired by the versatility of Russia and the life of Limonov, Ulrike Quade Company produces a puppettheatre performance with three young actors. Four young playwrights, connected with De Tekstsmederij, wrote the texts. Ulrike Quade Company offers new theatre talent the chance to get acquainted with making and writing puppettheatre.

Performance: Niels Kuiters, Daan Colijn, Sacha Muller | Script: Simon Weeda, Floor van Lissa, Michiel Cox, Timen Jan Veenstra | Director: Ulrike Quade | Assistant director: Suze van Miltenburg | Dramaturgy: Thomas Lamers | Textdramaturgy: Simone Hogendijk | Puppets: Ulrike Quade Company | Light design: Floriaan Ganzevoort, de Theatermachine | Costumes: Jacqueline Steijlen | Music: Niels Kuiters | Video: Daan Colijn | Technique: Jan Sol

€ 17,- regular | € 15,- reduction | € 11,- member/student

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