Saturday 22 Apr. 2017


Post uit Hessdalen - BE

Language no problem

17:00 - 17:20

De Krakeling

PAKMAN lives at a speed more rapid than the click of a mouse. 1 package, 2 forms, 3 stamps, 6 signatures, 450 times a day, 159.750 packages per year in exchange for 10 vacation days. PAKMAN traipses the country, always delivering his packages right on schedule. In the back of his little truck, the audience is presented with an intense performance about a lonely, invisible member of our virtual economy.

In PAKMAN, the momentum of juggler Stijn Grupping meets the rhythm of Frederik Meulyzer. Together, they explore the rush of ‘our’ time.

How does the regulated speed of PAKMAN influence natural rhythms, such as our heart beats and our breathing? Stijn and Frederik use their juggling sticks and drum sticks to explore a clash of rhythm and routine. Together, they create a live music performance in which they use their instruments to strengthen and challenge each other.

PAKMAN is performed to groups of up to 25 spectators in the back of a truck in front of De Krakeling.



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