
Friday 22 Apr. 2016


Amit Drori - ISR


20:00 - 21:00

Theater Bellevue (Grote Zaal)

An interdisciplinary piece, based on the stage animation of a hand crafted robot and mechanical animals.
An imaginary landscape is being created on stage, it reflects a recognized fauna and yet suggests the image of a mythical garden in which life has just begun. Man masters nature, creates it, operates it and manipulates it. In return, the landscape and the animals that inhabit it reflect a mirror image of human thought and emotion.

Director, concept: Amit Drori | Performance: Amit Drori, Sylwia Drori, Laila Bettermann, Gai Sherf, Ofer Laufer | Designed by Amit Drori, Noam Dover | Projection design: Michal Sara Cederbaum | Video design: Jérôme Vernez | Music: Gai Sherf | Animation and programming: Amit Drori, Sylwia Drori, Inbal Yomtovian | Technical direction: Jérôme Vernez, Ofer Laufer | Production: Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne | Coproduction: Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy and Culturescapes, Basel | With the support of: Maamuta at the Daniela Passal Arts Centre, Jerusalem | Photo: Sylwia Drori

€ 17,50 regular | € 15,00 reduction | € 11,00 member/student

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